aaa necesito entregar este programa el lunes próximo y me aparecen los errores:
1 In file included from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward/iostream.h:31 from C:\\Users\\Home\\Documents\\ESCOM\\Teoria\\dfa.cpp
1 from C:\\Users\\Home\\Documents\\ESCOM\\Teoria\\dfa.cpp
32:2 C:\\Dev-Cpp\\include\\c++\\3.4.2\\backward\\backward_warning.h #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes or <iostream> instead of the deprecated header <iostream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
In function `int main()\':
319: name lookup of `a\' changed for new ISO `for\' scoping
312 C:\\Users\\Home\\Documents\\ESCOM\\Teoria\\dfa.cpp using obsolete binding at `a\'
aaa por favor alguien que me diga cómo le corrió lo necesito me salvarían mi vida ssii?? de antemano gracias