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Autor Tema:  Smf 1.1 Rc3  (Leído 2499 veces)


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Smf 1.1 Rc3
« en: Martes 22 de Agosto de 2006, 18:57 »
Aquí está el anuncio:
Código: Text
  1. There have been several significant changes since RC2 - this has led to an additional release candidate (as opposed to going straight to final). In particular, UTF8 support has been added to SMF, providing considerably better language support to our international users.
  3. Other notable changes in RC3 include:
  4. Many, many changes for UTF8 support. Read all about it at the Online Manual.
  5. Many tweaks to the search functionality.
  6. Added a CAPTCHA option to the registration page (Including audio support for accessibility).
  7. Added an AJAX loading indicator to show when a server request is taking place.
  8. All numbers should now respect number format settings.
  9. Fixed a bug with subject cache being out of sync.
  10. Fixed speed issues when moving/splitting topics.
  11. Fixed issues with notifications being sent in the wrong language.
  12. Many changes to the numerous bridges Orstio has created for SMF.
  14. Security Update
  15. We received a report detailing a bug in PHP (improper deletion of hash values in the zend_hash_del_key_or_index() function), causing a vulnerability in SMF. We have addressed this issue in this release.  We urge everyone who is using an earlier release of SMF 1.1 to update immediately.
  17. Installing/Upgrading information
  18. Upgrading from your current version of SMF to the latest version could not be simpler, just follow the standard procedure of executing upgrade.php.  But, please remember to make a backup!!  The upgrader will upgrade any installation from YaBB SE 1.5.5 all the way up to the latest version of SMF.  You can always find information in the Online Manual about things like installation, upgrades, and more.
  20. Users with large boards
  21. Any users upgrading from prior to SMF 1.1 RC2 will benefit from huge optimizations in the log table structure to reduce the ongoing operating load on the server. However to achieve these savings, the upgrade has a lot of work to do - which for boards with more than 75,000 posts may take quite some time. Please bear this in mind during the upgrade - try to do it at a slow time if at all possible. In most cases, it will take up to an hour to upgrade, but it could take several. Remember, the script has timeout protection and auto resume - so just get it started and leave it to do its job. We've added progress bars to the upgrade script to help give you an indication of how things are going!
  23. Attention
  24. While we are confident that there are no major problems with this release, we want to remind you that it is still not to be considered stable software. We do not recommend its use in "live" situations and if you are not comfortable with using this Release Candidate, we advise you to wait until the release of the final version before using the 1.1 line.
  26. Important Notice to our Charter Members
  27. After we released RC3 to the Charter Members, we discovered and corrected a problem with one of the UTF8 functions.  This function was causing a significant slow down in board performance.  We were also informed of a security related issue which we have corrected.  For these reasons, we are urging all Charter Members to update the source files for their boards, regardless of whether UTF8 is being used or not.
  29. Download SMF 1.1 Release Candidate 3

Es el mejor, ¿no se nota?. :kicking:

- Great works aren't produced on the first try. [Ernest Hemingway]
- Be ambitious, yet realistic in your dreams. Do something that makes a positive impact. Don’t let the nay-sayers get you down. [Bjarne Stroustrup]