Te envio el código para imprimir el grid espero que te sirva, porque hoy me entere de está página así que de inmediato te mando esto, espero que te sirva:
Pasos a seguir para imprimir un grid
1. Crear un grid y meterlo en el Form1, metiendole (por ejemplo) 6 filas y columnas.
2. Añadir el siguinete código al evento Form1 Click:
Sub Form_Click ()
Dim i, j
For i = 0 To Grid1.Cols - 1
For j = 0 To Grid1.Rows - 1
Grid1.Col = i
Grid1.Row = j
Grid1.Text = Format$(i + j + i ^ j)
Call Grid_Print(Grid1)
End Sub
2. Añadir el siguiente código a la sección de declaraciones globales:
Sub Grid_Print (grid As Control)
Dim tppx As Integer
Dim tppy As Integer
tppx = Printer.TwipsPerPixelX
tppy = Printer.TwipsPerPixelY
Dim Col As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim x0 As Single
Dim y0 As Single
Dim x1 As Single
Dim y1 As Single
Dim x2 As Single
Dim y2 As Single
x0 = Printer.CurrentX
y0 = Printer.CurrentY
If grid.BorderStyle <> 0 Then
Printer.Line -Step(grid.Width - tppx, grid.Height - tppy), , B
x0 = x0 + tppx
y0 = y0 + tppy
End If
x1 = x0
For Col = 0 To grid.Cols - 1
If Col >= grid.FixedCols And Col < grid.LeftCol Then
Col = grid.LeftCol
End If
If x1 + grid.ColWidth(Col) >= grid.Width Then Exit For
y1 = y0
For Row = 0 To grid.Rows - 1
If Row >= grid.FixedRows And Row < grid.TopRow Then
Row = grid.TopRow
End If
If y1 + grid.RowHeight(Row) >= grid.Height Then Exit For
Printer.CurrentX = x1 + tppx * 2
Printer.CurrentY = y1 + tppy
grid.Col = Col
grid.Row = Row
Printer.Print grid.Text
y1 = y1 + grid.RowHeight(Row)
If grid.GridLines Then
y1 = y1 + tppy
End If
x1 = x1 + grid.ColWidth(Col)
If grid.GridLines Then
x1 = x1 + tppx
End If
If grid.GridLines Then
x2 = x0
y2 = y0
For Col = 0 To grid.Cols - 1
If Col >= grid.FixedCols And Col < grid.LeftCol Then
Col = grid.LeftCol
End If
x2 = x2 + grid.ColWidth(Col)
If x2 >= grid.Width Then Exit For
Printer.Line (x2, y0)-Step(0, y1 - tppy)
x2 = x2 + tppx
For Row = 0 To grid.Rows - 1
If Row >= grid.FixedRows And Row < grid.TopRow Then
Row = grid.TopRow
End If
y2 = y2 + grid.RowHeight(Row)
If y2 >= grid.Height Then Exit For
Printer.Line (x0, y2)-Step(x1 - tppx, 0)
y2 = y2 + tppy
End If
End Sub
3. Ejecutarlo;)