me aparece un error uqe dice Out of hash space, ciomo puedo solucionarlo, me imagino que es por lo que es muy grande mi aplicación, alguien podría decirme como puedo solucionarlo o que hacer, le cambien el valor en options-Tasm a mi aplicacion y le puse 32768 e igual me aparece el error de nuevo.
Esto lo encontre en la ayuda de builder
The Selections options are as follows:
Hash table capacity sets the maximum number of symbols an assembler file (.ASM) can use. The minimum allowable Hash table capacity is 8,192 bytes. The maximum allowable Has table capacity is 32,768 bytes.
Default = 8192
Maximum passes sets the maximum number of assembly passes. This is useful if you want Turbo Assembler to remove NOP instructions that were added because of forward references.
Default = 1
Maximum symbol length sets the maximum length of symbols that Tasm can distinguish between. The minimum number allowed is 12.
Default = 12
Add directive defines an assembler startup directive. This directive is assembled before the first line of the source file.
Default = False