Coloca una referencia a Crystal Report, y añade el control a una forma y llámalo "CrystalReports", después agrega una rutina parecida a esta.
' Reporte de incapacidades
Sub PrintMainReport()
Dim strFile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorPrintReport
strFile = gstrAppPath & "incapacidades.rpt"
'open and fill report
With CrystalReports
.ReportFileName = strFile
.ReportTitle = strFile
.DataFiles(0) = gstrDBFilename
.SelectionFormula = "ISNULL({Fichas.IMSS}) OR {Fichas.IMSS}=''"
'.SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + "VIEW" + strSelected
.PrinterCopies = 1
.PrinterCollation = crptDefault
.WindowControls = True
.WindowBorderStyle = crptSizable
.WindowControlBox = True
.WindowState = crptMaximized
.WindowTitle = .ReportFileName
.Destination = crptToWindow
End With
Exit Sub
GenErrorHandler "frmMain/PrintMainReport()", Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub