if (oraImgReader.GetValue(2).ToString() != "")
// Fetch the BLOB data through OracleDataReader using OracleBlob type
OracleBlob blob = oraImgReader.GetOracleBlob(2);
// Create a byte array of the size of the Blob obtained
Byte[] byteArr
= new Byte[blob
.Length]; // Read blob data into byte array
int i = blob.Read(byteArr,0,System.Convert.ToInt32(blob.Length));
// Get the primitive byte data into in-memory data stream
MemoryStream memStream
= new MemoryStream
); // Attach the in-memory data stream to the PictureBox
picEmpPhoto.Image = Image.FromStream(memStream);
// Fit the image to the PictureBox size
picEmpPhoto.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;