Buenas tardes a todos:
Estoy haciendo un reporte... en el select quiero que me traiga todos los estados de cuenta de un estudiante, por lo cual necesito que los que tienen documento de compensación (pagos) queden en mi reporte negativos, de tal manera que cuando hagan la suma se pueda ver si el estudiante se encuentra al día con la Universidad.
Si alguien me puede ayudar muchisimas gracias... el siguiente es el codigo que tengo, pero no me trae el valor negativo...
form obtener_datos.
data: ti_dfkkop_aux like standard table of zbanner,
e_dfkkop type table of zbanner with header line,
wbetrh type betrh_kk.
select * from zbanner
into corresponding fields of table ti_dfkkop
where persl in persl and
partner in partner.
loop at ti_dfkkop.
append e_dfkkop.
check e_dfkkop-augbl is not initial.
e_dfkkop-partner = ti_dfkkop-partner.
e_dfkkop-opbel = ti_dfkkop-opbel.
e_dfkkop-name_last = ti_dfkkop-name_last.
e_dfkkop-name_first = ti_dfkkop-name_first.
e_dfkkop-bu_group = ti_dfkkop-bu_group.
e_dfkkop-psobtyp = ti_dfkkop-psobtyp.
e_dfkkop-hvorg = ti_dfkkop-hvorg.
e_dfkkop-tvorg = ti_dfkkop-tvorg.
e_dfkkop-betrh = ti_dfkkop-betrh * -1.
e_dfkkop-augbt = ti_dfkkop-augbt.
e_dfkkop-augbl = ti_dfkkop-augbl.
e_dfkkop-persl = ti_dfkkop-persl.
e_dfkkop-blart = ti_dfkkop-blart.
e_dfkkop-xblnr = ti_dfkkop-xblnr.
e_dfkkop-fistl = ti_dfkkop-fistl.
e_dfkkop-bldat = ti_dfkkop-bldat.
e_dfkkop-budat = ti_dfkkop-budat.
append e_dfkkop to ti_dfkkop_aux.
select * from zbanner
into corresponding fields of table ti_dfkkop
where persl in persl and
partner in partner.
select *
from dfkkopw
into corresponding fields of ti_dfkkop
for all entries in ti_dfkkop
where opbel = ti_dfkkop-opbel.
loop at ti_dfkkop.
move-corresponding ti_dfkkop to e_dfkkop.
loop at ti_dfkkop where opbel = ti_dfkkop-opbel.
e_dfkkop-faedn = dfkkopw-faedn.
append e_dfkkop to ti_dfkkop_aux.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
append ti_dfkkop.
check e_dfkkop-augbl is not initial.
e_dfkkop-partner = ti_dfkkop-partner.
e_dfkkop-opbel = ti_dfkkop-augbl.
e_dfkkop-name_last = ti_dfkkop-name_last.
e_dfkkop-name_first = ti_dfkkop-name_first.
e_dfkkop-bu_group = ti_dfkkop-bu_group.
e_dfkkop-psobtyp = ti_dfkkop-psobtyp.
e_dfkkop-hvorg = ti_dfkkop-hvorg.
e_dfkkop-tvorg = ti_dfkkop-tvorg.
e_dfkkop-betrh = ti_dfkkop-betrh * -1.
e_dfkkop-augbt = ti_dfkkop-augbt.
e_dfkkop-augbl = ti_dfkkop-augbl.
e_dfkkop-persl = ti_dfkkop-persl.
e_dfkkop-blart = ti_dfkkop-blart.
e_dfkkop-xblnr = ti_dfkkop-xblnr.
e_dfkkop-fistl = ti_dfkkop-fistl.
e_dfkkop-bldat = ti_dfkkop-bldat.
e_dfkkop-budat = ti_dfkkop-budat.
append e_dfkkop to ti_dfkkop_aux.
Que tengan un feliz día,
Alexandra Rondón Daza