Amigos del foro recurro a ustedes en esta oportunidad de solicitar de su colaboración con simple código de generar un codigo de barras, lo cual ya logre y muestra perfectamente......pero no logro hacer como guardarlo es decir quiero que guarde solo la imagen creada en la base de datos de postgres.
este es mi codigo:
para generar el codigo de barras:
if(isset($_GET["text"])) $text=$_GET["text"];
if(isset($_GET["format"])) $format=$_GET["format"];
if(isset($_GET["quality"])) $quality=$_GET["quality"];
if(isset($_GET["width"])) $width=$_GET["width"];
if(isset($_GET["height"])) $height=$_GET["height"];
if(isset($_GET["type"])) $type=$_GET["type"];
if(isset($_GET["barcode"])) $barcode=$_GET["barcode"];
if (!isset ($text)) $text = 1;
if (!isset ($type)) $type = 1;
if (empty ($quality)) $quality = 100;
if (empty ($width)) $width = 160;
if (empty ($height)) $height = 80;
if (!empty ($format)) $format = strtoupper ($format);
else $format="PNG";
switch ($type)
$type = 1;
case 1:
Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text);
// Generate a Code 3 of 9 barcode
function Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text)
switch ($format)
$format = "JPEG";
case "JPEG":
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
case "PNG":
header ("Content-type: image/png");
case "GIF":
header ("Content-type: image/gif");
$im = ImageCreate ($width, $height)
or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
$White = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
$Black = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
//ImageColorTransparent ($im, $White);
ImageInterLace ($im, 1);
$NarrowRatio = 20;
$WideRatio = 55;
$QuietRatio = 35;
$nChars = (strlen($barcode)+2) * ((6 * $NarrowRatio) + (3 * $WideRatio) + ($QuietRatio));
$Pixels = $width / $nChars;
$NarrowBar = (int)(20 * $Pixels);
$WideBar = (int)(55 * $Pixels);
$QuietBar = (int)(35 * $Pixels);
$ActualWidth = (($NarrowBar * 6) + ($WideBar*3) + $QuietBar) * (strlen ($barcode)+2);
if (($NarrowBar == 0) || ($NarrowBar == $WideBar) || ($NarrowBar == $QuietBar) || ($WideBar == 0) || ($WideBar == $QuietBar) || ($QuietBar == 0))
ImageString ($im, 1, 0, 0, "Image is too small!", $Black);
OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality);
$CurrentBarX = (int)(($width - $ActualWidth) / 2);
$Color = $White;
$BarcodeFull = " ".strtoupper ($barcode)." ";
settype ($BarcodeFull, "string");
$FontNum = 3;
$FontHeight = ImageFontHeight ($FontNum);
$FontWidth = ImageFontWidth ($FontNum);
if ($text != 0)
$CenterLoc = (int)(($width-1) / 2) - (int)(($FontWidth * strlen($BarcodeFull)) / 2);
ImageString ($im, $FontNum, $CenterLoc, $height-$FontHeight, "$BarcodeFull", $Black);
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($BarcodeFull); $i++)
$StripeCode = Code39 ($BarcodeFull[$i]);
for ($n=0; $n < 9; $n++)
if ($Color == $White) $Color = $Black;
else $Color = $White;
switch ($StripeCode[$n])
case '0':
ImageFilledRectangle ($im, $CurrentBarX, 0, $CurrentBarX+$NarrowBar, $height-1-$FontHeight-2, $Color);
$CurrentBarX += $NarrowBar;
case '1':
ImageFilledRectangle ($im, $CurrentBarX, 0, $CurrentBarX+$WideBar, $height-1-$FontHeight-2, $Color);
$CurrentBarX += $WideBar;
$Color = $White;
ImageFilledRectangle ($im, $CurrentBarX, 0, $CurrentBarX+$QuietBar, $height-1-$FontHeight-2, $Color);
$CurrentBarX += $QuietBar;
OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality);
// Output an image to the browser
function OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality)
switch ($format)
case "JPEG":
ImageJPEG ($im, "", $quality);
case "PNG":
ImagePNG ($im);
case "GIF":
ImageGIF ($im);
// Returns the Code 3 of 9 value for a given ASCII character
function Code39 ($Asc)
switch ($Asc)
case '*':
return "011000100";
case '$':
return "010101000";
case '%':
return "000101010";
case ' ':
return "010010100"; // * Start/Stop
case '+':
return "010001010";
case '|':
return "010000101";
case '.':
return "110000100";
case '/':
return "010100010";
case '-':
return "010000101";
case '0':
return "000110100";
case '1':
return "100100001";
case '2':
return "001100001";
case '3':
return "101100000";
case '4':
return "000110001";
case '5':
return "100110000";
case '6':
return "001110000";
case '7':
return "000100101";
case '8':
return "100100100";
case '9':
return "001100100";
case 'A':
return "100001001";
case 'B':
return "001001001";
case 'C':
return "101001000";
case 'D':
return "000011001";
case 'E':
return "100011000";
case 'F':
return "001011000";
case 'G':
return "000001101";
case 'H':
return "100001100";
case 'I':
return "001001100";
case 'J':
return "000011100";
case 'K':
return "100000011";
case 'L':
return "001000011";
case 'M':
return "101000010";
case 'N':
return "000010011";
case 'O':
return "100010010";
case 'P':
return "001010010";
case 'Q':
return "000000111";
case 'R':
return "100000110";
case 'S':
return "001000110";
case 'T':
return "000010110";
case 'U':
return "110000001";
case 'V':
return "011000001";
case 'W':
return "111000000";
case 'X':
return "010010001";
case 'Y':
return "110010000";
case 'Z':
return "011010000";
return "011000100";
para mostrar las imagenes generadas es este:
<IMG SRC="barcode.php?barcode=<? echo $seriallotes;?>&width=280&height=80">
yo le estoy pasando los valores del codigo por get, y esta funcionando muy bien pero no logro guardarlos
espero puedan ayudarme.