• Miércoles 12 de Marzo de 2025, 22:06

Autor Tema:  Problema al instalar modulo de Perl  (Leído 3634 veces)


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Problema al instalar modulo de Perl
« en: Jueves 12 de Noviembre de 2009, 21:04 »
Estoy tratando de instalar unos modulos de perl para montar Bugzilla, se trata GD, el cual requiere libgd2, el cual es proporcionado por libgd2-xpm, el cual tengo instalado pero no me lo reconoce.

Ubuntu 9.04
Perl 5.10.0

mensaje completo al instalar el modulo:

Código: Text
  1. /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl GD
  4. CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.18)
  5. Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
  6.   Database was generated on Thu, 12 Nov 2009 12:27:04 GMT
  7. CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.66)
  8. Going to read /root/.cpan/build/
  9. ............................................................................DONE
  10. Found 12 old builds, restored the state of 12
  11. Installing GD version 2.44...
  12. Running install for module 'GD'
  13. Running make for L/LD/LDS/GD-2.44.tar.gz
  14. CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v5.45)
  15. CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok (v2.015)
  16. Checksum for /root/.cpan/source/authors/id/L/LD/LDS/GD-2.44.tar.gz ok
  17. GD-2.44/
  18. GD-2.44/t/
  19. GD-2.44/t/test.out.3.jpeg
  20. GD-2.44/t/GD.t
  21. GD-2.44/t/tile.jpeg
  22. GD-2.44/t/test.out.4.jpeg
  23. GD-2.44/t/test.out.5.jpeg
  24. GD-2.44/t/test.out.6.jpeg
  25. GD-2.44/t/test.out.7.jpeg
  26. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.jpeg
  27. GD-2.44/t/test.out.9.jpeg
  28. GD-2.44/t/test.out.3.png-1
  29. GD-2.44/t/Polyline.t
  30. GD-2.44/t/test.out.4.png-1
  31. GD-2.44/t/test.out.4.png-2
  32. GD-2.44/t/test.out.10.png-1
  33. GD-2.44/t/test.out.10.png-2
  34. GD-2.44/t/test.out.10.png-3
  35. GD-2.44/t/test.out.1.png
  36. GD-2.44/t/test.out.2.gif
  37. GD-2.44/t/test.out.2.png
  38. GD-2.44/t/test.out.3.gif
  39. GD-2.44/t/test.out.3.png
  40. GD-2.44/t/test.out.4.gif
  41. GD-2.44/t/test.out.4.png
  42. GD-2.44/t/test.out.5.gif
  43. GD-2.44/t/test.out.5.png
  44. GD-2.44/t/test.out.6.gif
  45. GD-2.44/t/test.out.6.png
  46. GD-2.44/t/test.out.7.gif
  47. GD-2.44/t/test.out.7.png
  48. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.gif
  49. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.png
  50. GD-2.44/t/test.out.9.gif
  51. GD-2.44/t/test.out.9.png
  52. GD-2.44/t/test.out.5.png-1
  53. GD-2.44/t/Generic.ttf
  54. GD-2.44/t/test.out.6.png-1
  55. GD-2.44/t/test.out.7.png-1
  56. GD-2.44/t/frog.jpg
  57. GD-2.44/t/frog.xpm
  58. GD-2.44/t/test.out.10.jpeg
  59. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.png-1
  60. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.png-2
  61. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.png-3
  62. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.png-4
  63. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.png-5
  64. GD-2.44/t/test.out.8.png-6
  65. GD-2.44/t/tile.gif
  66. GD-2.44/t/tile.png
  67. GD-2.44/t/test.out.2.png-1
  68. GD-2.44/t/test.out.9.png-1
  69. GD-2.44/t/test.out.9.png-2
  70. GD-2.44/t/palettemap.png
  71. GD-2.44/t/test.out.10.gif
  72. GD-2.44/t/test.out.10.png
  73. GD-2.44/t/test.out.2.jpeg
  74. GD-2.44/GD/
  75. GD-2.44/GD/Group.pm
  76. GD-2.44/GD/Polygon.pm
  77. GD-2.44/GD/Simple.pm
  78. GD-2.44/GD/Image.pm.PLS
  79. GD-2.44/GD/Polyline.pm
  80. GD-2.44/GD.pm
  81. GD-2.44/GD.xs
  82. GD-2.44/demos/
  83. GD-2.44/demos/brushes.pl
  84. GD-2.44/demos/font_list.png
  85. GD-2.44/demos/fonttest
  86. GD-2.44/demos/polys.pl
  87. GD-2.44/demos/fills.pl
  88. GD-2.44/demos/truetype_test
  89. GD-2.44/demos/shapes.pl
  90. GD-2.44/demos/copies.pl
  91. GD-2.44/demos/ttf.pl
  92. GD-2.44/demos/gd_example.cgi
  93. GD-2.44/demos/tile.png
  94. GD-2.44/demos/polyline.pl
  95. GD-2.44/demos/transform.pl
  96. GD-2.44/qd.pl
  97. GD-2.44/README
  98. GD-2.44/Makefile.PL
  100. GD-2.44/META.yml
  101. GD-2.44/typemap
  102. GD-2.44/bdf_scripts/
  103. GD-2.44/bdf_scripts/README
  104. GD-2.44/bdf_scripts/bdf2gdfont.PLS
  105. GD-2.44/bdf_scripts/bdftogd
  106. GD-2.44/bdf_scripts/bdf2gdfont.pl
  107. GD-2.44/README.unix
  108. GD-2.44/ChangeLog
  109. GD-2.44/MANIFEST
  110. CPAN: File::Temp loaded ok (v0.18)
  112.   CPAN.pm: Going to build L/LD/LDS/GD-2.44.tar.gz
  115. Could not find gdlib-config in the search path. Please install libgd 2.0.28 or higher.
  116. If you want to try to compile anyway, please rerun this script with the option --ignore_missing_gd.
  117. Warning: No success on command[/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site LIB="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib" INSTALLMAN1DIR="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/man/man1" INSTALLMAN3DIR="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/man/man3" INSTALLBIN="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/bin" INSTALLSCRIPT="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/bin" INSTALLDIRS=perl]
  118.   LDS/GD-2.44.tar.gz
  119.   /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site LIB="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib" INSTALLMAN1DIR="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/man/man1" INSTALLMAN3DIR="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/man/man3" INSTALLBIN="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/bin" INSTALLSCRIPT="/usr/share/bugzilla/lib/bin" INSTALLDIRS=perl -- NOT OK
  120. Skipping test because of notest pragma
  121. Running make install
  122.   Make had some problems, won't install

De hecho busque en el sistema ese tal script( gdlib-config ), y no esta por ningun lado.


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    • http://mbrenes.com
Re: Problema al instalar modulo de Perl
« Respuesta #1 en: Jueves 12 de Noviembre de 2009, 21:16 »
Tema cerrado, lo resolvi asi:

Instalar el paquete de desarrollo de libgd y remover el directorio creado en el intento de instalacion del modulo, e intentar de nuevo.

Código: Text
  1. apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev
  3. rm -Rf /root/.cpan/build/GD-2.44-vTcYRC*
  5. /usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -e 'install GD'


su -

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Re: Problema al instalar modulo de Perl
« Respuesta #2 en: Viernes 13 de Noviembre de 2009, 00:43 »
Dos cosas  ^_^
No hay que remover el directorio para configurar de nuevo.
Es mucho mas facil instalar modulos asi:
Código: Bash
  1. cpan -i NombreDeModulo

Teniendo en cuenta que estas en Ubuntu, te podes ahorrar la compilacion:
Código: Bash
  1. apt-get install libgd-gd2-perl
*******PELIGRO LEE ESTO!!*******

There is no place like

Conecto luego existo, no conecto luego insisto.


  • Miembro HIPER activo
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  • Mensajes: 679
  • Nacionalidad: cr
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    • http://mbrenes.com
Re: Problema al instalar modulo de Perl
« Respuesta #3 en: Viernes 13 de Noviembre de 2009, 16:07 »
Como quien dijo, para la proxima  :)