• Miércoles 12 de Marzo de 2025, 16:30

Autor Tema:  Error Al Instalar Drupal  (Leído 6854 veces)


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Error Al Instalar Drupal
« en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 02:06 »
Estoy tratando de instalar Drupal pero no puedo.  :(

Cambié los datos del settings.php, ejecuto el archivo y me pone un montón de errores:
Código: Text
  1. Warning: Table 'drupal.sessions' doesn't exist query: SELECT sid FROM sessions WHERE sid = '0631fc50879b6e8ae6196ddaff9e837e' in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  3. Warning: Table 'drupal.users' doesn't exist query: SELECT u.* FROM users u WHERE u.uid = 0 in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  5. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc:121) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\bootstrap.inc on line 748
  7. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc:121) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\bootstrap.inc on line 748
  9. Warning: Table 'drupal.access' doesn't exist query: SELECT * FROM access WHERE status = 1 AND type = 'host' AND LOWER('') LIKE LOWER(mask) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  11. Warning: Table 'drupal.access' doesn't exist query: SELECT * FROM access WHERE status = 0 AND type = 'host' AND LOWER('') LIKE LOWER(mask) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  13. Warning: Table 'drupal.cache' doesn't exist query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire FROM cache WHERE cid = 'variables' in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  15. Warning: Table 'drupal.variable' doesn't exist query: SELECT * FROM variable in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  17. Warning: Table 'drupal.cache' doesn't exist query: LOCK TABLES cache WRITE in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  19. Warning: Table 'drupal.cache' doesn't exist query: UPDATE cache SET data = 'N;', created = 1155772934, expire = 0, headers = '' WHERE cid = 'variables' in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121
  21. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc:121) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\bootstrap.inc on line 550
  23. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc:121) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\bootstrap.inc on line 551
  25. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc:121) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\bootstrap.inc on line 552
  27. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc:121) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\bootstrap.inc on line 553
  29. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc:121) in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\bootstrap.inc on line 554
  31. Warning: Table 'drupal.url_alias' doesn't exist query: SELECT COUNT(pid) FROM url_alias in C:\wamp\www\Blog\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 121

¿Qué puedo hacer? :unsure:

- Great works aren't produced on the first try. [Ernest Hemingway]
- Be ambitious, yet realistic in your dreams. Do something that makes a positive impact. Don’t let the nay-sayers get you down. [Bjarne Stroustrup]


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    • http://www.ibquezada.com
Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #1 en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 17:26 »


Drupal requires a web server, PHP4 (4.3.3 or greater) or PHP5
(http://www.php.net/) and either MySQL (http://www.mysql.com/)
or PostgreSQL (http://www.postgresql.org/). Your database user
will also need sufficient privileges to run Drupal. Please
check the INSTALL.mysql.txt and INSTALL.pgsql.txt for more
detailed information.

NOTE: the Apache web server and MySQL database are recommended;
other web server and database combinations such as IIS and PostgreSQL
are possible but tested to a lesser extent.
// $Id: INSTALL.mysql.txt,v 1.6 2006/04/17 20:48:25 dries Exp $


 * Introduction
 * Installation and configuration:
    - Database and user creation
    - Drupal schema loading


This file describes how to create a MySQL database for Drupal.

If you control your databases through a web-based control panel,
check its documentation, as the following instructions are for the
command line only.



   This step is only necessary if you don't already have a database
   set-up (e.g. by your host). In the following examples, 'dba_user' is
   an example MySQL user which has the CREATE and GRANT privileges. Use
   the appropriate user name for your system.

   First, you must create a new database for your Drupal site
   (here, 'databasename' is the name of the new database):

     mysqladmin -u dba_user -p create databasename

   MySQL will prompt for the 'dba_user' database password and then create
   the initial database files. Next you must login and set the access
   database rights:

     mysql -u dba_user -p

   Again, you will be asked for the 'dba_user' database password.
   At the MySQL prompt, enter following command:

     ON databasename.*
     TO 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


    'databasename' is the name of your database
    'username@localhost' is the username of your MySQL account
    'password' is the password required for that username

   Note: Unless your database user has all of the privileges listed
   above, you will not be able to run Drupal.

   If successful, MySQL will reply with:

     Query OK, 0 rows affected

   To activate the new permissions, enter the following command:



   Once you have a database, you must load the required tables into it.
   Depending on the version of MySQL you are using, you must use the
   file 'database.4.0.mysql' (for MySQL 4.0 or lower) or
   'database.4.1.mysql' (for MySQL 4.1 or higher). Both files are
   located in Drupal's database directory.

   If you use a web-based control panel, you should be able to upload
   the appropriate file and run it directly as SQL commands.

   From the command line, use (again, replacing 'username' and
   'databasename' with your MySQL username and database name):

   for MySQL 4.0 or lower:
     mysql -u username -p databasename < database/database.4.0.mysql

   for MySQL 4.1 or higher:
     mysql -u username -p databasename < database/database.4.1.mysql
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    • http://hsblog.mexchip.com
Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #2 en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 19:59 »
¿Estás seguro de haber creado las tablas en la base de datos y que en settings.php la estás referenciando correctamente?

JJ (Geo).
La imaginación es el límite.
Hardware & Software | Mexchip


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Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #3 en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 21:04 »
Sí. Hice todo lo que dice allí.

Lo probé en Windows (con el WAMP) y en Ubuntu y salió lo mismo. :(

- Great works aren't produced on the first try. [Ernest Hemingway]
- Be ambitious, yet realistic in your dreams. Do something that makes a positive impact. Don’t let the nay-sayers get you down. [Bjarne Stroustrup]


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  • Se mas de C++ que lo que se de ese CSS
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    • http://www.ibquezada.com
Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #4 en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 21:15 »
Table 'drupal.watchdog' doesn't exist query: INSERT INTO watchdog
No existe la tabla watchdog, para eso necesitas el esquema de la base de datos (DATABASE SCHEMA).

Abre el archivo que sea adecuado a tu base de datos (supongo mysql)

Si lo abres con el bloc de notas, viene la estructura de la base de datos
Código: Text
  2. CREATE TABLE watchdog (
  3. etc etc
  4. )

Ejecutala con (por ejemplo) phpMyAdmin en la parte SQL
www.hazjuegos.com Una comunidad dedicada al desarrollo de videojuegos.


  • Miembro de PLATA
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Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #5 en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 21:43 »

¿Tengo que crear manualmente todas las tablas?

- Great works aren't produced on the first try. [Ernest Hemingway]
- Be ambitious, yet realistic in your dreams. Do something that makes a positive impact. Don’t let the nay-sayers get you down. [Bjarne Stroustrup]


  • Miembro HIPER activo
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  • Mensajes: 549
  • Nacionalidad: mx
  • Se mas de C++ que lo que se de ese CSS
    • Ver Perfil
    • http://www.ibquezada.com
Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #6 en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 23:21 »
Probablemente funciona si desde phpMyAdmin (si lo usas), le pones importar, y subes el archivo ese.
www.hazjuegos.com Una comunidad dedicada al desarrollo de videojuegos.


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Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #7 en: Jueves 17 de Agosto de 2006, 23:27 »
Cita de: "ibito"
Probablemente funciona si desde phpMyAdmin (si lo usas), le pones importar, y subes el archivo ese.
Voy a tratar de subir el *.sql.  :P

Ya les cuento...

Subí el archivo database.4.1.mysql desde el phpmyadmin y funcionó. :kicking:

Supuse que se crearían las tablas solas, pero bue...


- Great works aren't produced on the first try. [Ernest Hemingway]
- Be ambitious, yet realistic in your dreams. Do something that makes a positive impact. Don’t let the nay-sayers get you down. [Bjarne Stroustrup]


  • Miembro de PLATA
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  • Mensajes: 1011
  • Nacionalidad: mx
    • Ver Perfil
    • http://hsblog.mexchip.com
Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #8 en: Viernes 18 de Agosto de 2006, 00:11 »
Cita de: "Geo"
¿Estás seguro de haber creado las tablas en la base de datos y que en settings.php la estás referenciando correctamente?
No lo habías hecho :P.

Sip, tienes que crear las tablas tú, me parece que para una futura versión ya se contará con un instalador (hay versiones beta).

JJ (Geo).
La imaginación es el límite.
Hardware & Software | Mexchip


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Re: Error Al Instalar Drupal
« Respuesta #9 en: Lunes 10 de Noviembre de 2008, 17:21 »
buenos dias que tal estaba intantando intalar drupal-6.6

lei el tema vi que el problema es que no e creado las tablas solo cree la base de datos cual seria el archivo que tendria que importar para crear las tablas intente subir

pero no me funcionan
o como tendria que crear las tablas

cree la base de datos llamada codigo

coloque en el archivo settings.php

el usuario root y la contraseña con que entro a php admin

pero al colocar la ruta en mi esplorador  me manda este mensaje no se si alguien abra intalado eso antes


Warning: Table 'codigo.access' doesn't exist query: SELECT 1 FROM access WHERE type = 'host' AND LOWER('') LIKE LOWER(mask) AND status = 0 LIMIT 0, 1 in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc on line 128

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc:128) in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesbootstrap.inc on line 995

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc:128) in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesbootstrap.inc on line 995

Warning: Table 'codigo.cache' doesn't exist query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache WHERE cid = 'variables' in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc on line 128

Warning: Table 'codigo.variable' doesn't exist query: SELECT * FROM variable in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc on line 128

Warning: Table 'codigo.cache' doesn't exist query: UPDATE cache SET data = '', created = 1226336755, expire = 0, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = 'variables' in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc on line 128

Warning: Table 'codigo.system' doesn't exist query: SELECT name, filename, throttle FROM system WHERE type = 'module' AND status = 1 AND bootstrap = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc on line 128

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc:128) in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesbootstrap.inc on line 596

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc:128) in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesbootstrap.inc on line 597

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc:128) in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesbootstrap.inc on line 598

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc:128) in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesbootstrap.inc on line 599

Warning: Table 'codigo.url_alias' doesn't exist query: SELECT COUNT(pid) FROM url_alias in C:AppServwwwdrupal-6.6includesdatabase.mysql.inc on line 128
Cada dia aprendo algo nuevo