Me dijeron que tenía que poner variable[numeroarray] = {valor} , pero no me sirvió.
C has no string handling facilities built in and so the following are all illegal:
char firstname[50],lastname[50],fullname[100];
firstname= "Arnold"; /* Illegal */
lastname= "Schwarznegger"; /* Illegal */
fullname= "Mr"+firstname
+lastname; /* Illegal */
Muchas gracias, ya resolví el problema.CitarMe dijeron que tenía que poner variable[numeroarray] = {valor} , pero no me sirvió.CitarC has no string handling facilities built in and so the following are all illegal:
char firstname[50],lastname[50],fullname[100];
firstname= "Arnold"; /* Illegal */
lastname= "Schwarznegger"; /* Illegal */
fullname= "Mr"+firstname
+lastname; /* Illegal */ ( ;)