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Autor Tema:  Sintesis De Voz  (Leído 4122 veces)


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Sintesis De Voz
« en: Jueves 15 de Marzo de 2007, 23:40 »
Buenos dias a todos, estoy haciendo una aplicacion para sintesis de voz, me baje la libreria en un archivo llamado freetts-1.2.1-bin.zip, y he copiado los archivos .jar en el directorio bin de java, estoy utilizando el ide netbeans, en el cual le he creado una libreria adicionandole los .jar que estaban en este archivo, y al compilar me dice que no reconoce la libreria javax.speech, le agradezco al que me pueda colaborar diciendome que pasos debo seguir para poder compilar el siguiente codigo:

de antemano gracias,

package com.ociweb.jsapi;

import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.io.File;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.speech.AudioException;
import javax.speech.Central;
import javax.speech.EngineException;
import javax.speech.EngineList;
import javax.speech.EngineModeDesc;
import javax.speech.EngineStateError;
import javax.speech.synthesis.JSMLException;
import javax.speech.synthesis.Speakable;
import javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener;
import javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer;
import javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc;
import javax.speech.synthesis.Voice;

public class BriefVoiceDemo {
    Synthesizer synthesizer;  
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //default synthesizer values        
        SynthesizerModeDesc modeDesc = new SynthesizerModeDesc(
                null,       // engine name
                "general",  // mode name use 'general' or 'time'
                Locale.US,  // locale, see MBROLA Project for i18n examples
                null,       // prefer a running synthesizer (Boolean)
                null);      // preload these voices (Voice[])
        //default voice values        
        Voice voice = new Voice(
                "kevin16",              //name for this voice  
                 Voice.AGE_DONT_CARE,   //age for this voice
                 Voice.GENDER_DONT_CARE,//gender for this voice
                 null);                 //prefer a running voice (Boolean)
        boolean error=false;
        for (int r=0;r<args.length;r++) {          
            String token= args[r];
            String value= token.substring(2);
            //overide some of the default synthesizer values
            if (token.startsWith("-E")) {
             } else if (token.startsWith("-M")) {
             } else                
            //overide some of the default voice values    
            if (token.startsWith("-V")) {
            } else if (token.startsWith("-GF")) {
            } else if (token.startsWith("-GM")) {
            } else                
            //dont recognize this value so flag it and break out
                      " was not recognized as a supported parameter");  
              error = true;  
        //The example starts here
        BriefVoiceDemo briefExample = new BriefVoiceDemo();  
        if (error) {
           System.out.println("BriefVoiceDemo -E<ENGINENAME> " +
                "-M<time|general> -V<VOICENAME> -GF -GM");
           //list all the available voices for the user
        //select synthesizer by the required parameters                      
        //print the details of the selected synthesizer
        //allocate all the resources needed by the synthesizer
        //change the synthesisers state from PAUSED to RESUME
        //set the voice      
        //print the details of the selected voice
        //create a listener to be notified of speech events.
        SpeakableListener optionalListener= new BriefListener();
        //The Date and Time can be spoken by any of the selected voices
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("h mm");        
        String dateText = "The time is now " + formatter.format(new Date());
        briefExample.speakTextSynchronously(dateText, optionalListener);  
        //General text like this can only be spoken by general voices
        if (briefExample.isModeGeneral()) {
            //speak plain text
            String plainText =
                "Hello World, This is an example of plain text," +
                " any markup like <jsml/> will be spoken as is";            
            briefExample.speakTextSynchronously(plainText, optionalListener);
            //speak marked-up text from Speakable object
            Speakable speakableExample = new BriefSpeakable();            
     //must deallocate the synthesizer before leaving  

     * Select voice supported by this synthesizer that matches the required
     * properties found in the voice object.  If no matching voice can be
     * found the call is ignored and the previous or default voice will be used.
     * @param voice required voice properties.
    private void selectVoice(Voice voice) {
        try {
        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
            System.out.println("unsupported voice");

     * This method prepares the synthesizer for speech by moving it from the
     * PAUSED state to the RESUMED state. This is needed because all newly
     * created synthesizers start in the PAUSED state.  
     * See Pause/Resume state diagram.
     * The pauseSynthesizer method is not shown but looks like you would expect
     * and can be used to pause any speech in process.
    private void resumeSynthesizer() {
        try {
            //leave the PAUSED state, see state diagram
        } catch (AudioException e) {

     * The allocate method may take significant time to return depending on the  
     * size and capabilities of the selected synthesizer.  In a production
     * application this would probably be done on startup with a background thread.
     * This method moves the synthesizer from the DEALLOCATED state to the
     * ALLOCATING RESOURCES state and returns only after entering the ALLOCATED
     * state. See Allocate/Deallocate state diagram.
    private void allocateSynthesizer() {
        //ensure that we only do this when in the DEALLOCATED state
        if ((synthesizer.getEngineState()&Synthesizer.DEALLOCATED)!=0)
            try {
                //this call may take significant time      
            } catch (EngineException e) {                
            } catch (EngineStateError e) {

     * deallocate the synthesizer.  This must be done before exiting or
     * you will run the risk of having a resource leak.
     * This method moves the synthesizer from the ALLOCATED state to the
     * DEALLOCATING RESOURCES state and returns only after entering the
     * DEALLOCATED state. See Allocate/Deallocate state diagram.
    private void deallocateSynthesizer() {
        //ensure that we only do this when in the ALLOCATED state
        if ((synthesizer.getEngineState()&Synthesizer.ALLOCATED)!=0)
            try {
                //free all the resources used by the synthesizer            
            } catch (EngineException e) {                
            } catch (EngineStateError e) {
     * Helper method to ensure the synthesizer is always deallocated before
     * existing the VM.  The synthesiser may be holding substantial native
     * resources that must be explicitly released.
     * @param e exception to print before exiting.
    private void exit(Exception e) {
     * create a synthesiser with the required properties.  The Central class
     * requires the speech.properties file to be in the user.home or the
     * java.home/lib folders before it can create a synthesizer.
     * @param modeDesc required properties for the created synthesizer    
    private void createSynthesizer(SynthesizerModeDesc modeDesc) {
        try {
            //Create a Synthesizer with specified required properties.
            //if none can be found null is returned.
            synthesizer = Central.createSynthesizer(modeDesc);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {          
        } catch (EngineException e1) {
        if (synthesizer==null) {        
            System.out.println("Unable to create synthesizer with " +
                                "the required properties");
            System.out.println("Be sure to check that the \"speech.properties\"" +
                               " file is in one of these locations:");
            System.out.println("  user.home     : "+System.getProperty("user.home"));
            System.out.println("  java.home/lib : "+System.getProperty("java.home")
     * is the selected synthesizer capable of speaking general text
     * @return is Mode General
    private boolean isModeGeneral() {
        String mode=this.synthesizer.getEngineModeDesc().getModeName();                    
        return "general".equals(mode);        
     * Speak the marked-up text provided by the Speakable object and wait for
     * synthesisers queue to empty.  Support for specific markup tags is
     * dependent upon the selected synthesizer.  The text will be read as
     * though the mark up was not present if unsuppored tags are encounterd by
     * the selected synthesizer.
     * @param speakable
     * @param optionalListener
    private void speakSpeakableSynchronously(
                                    Speakable speakable,
                                    SpeakableListener optionalListener) {
        try {
            this.synthesizer.speak(speakable, optionalListener);
        } catch (JSMLException e) {
        try {
            //wait for the queue to empty
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            

     * Speak plain text 'as is' and wait until the synthesizer queue is empty
     * @param plainText that will be spoken ignoring any markup
     * @param optionalListener will be notified of voice events
    private void speakTextSynchronously(String plainText,
                                        SpeakableListener optionalListener) {
        this.synthesizer.speakPlainText(plainText, optionalListener);  
        try {
            //wait for the queue to empty
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            
     * Print all the properties of the selected voice  
    private void printSelectedVoice() {
        Voice voice = this.synthesizer.getSynthesizerProperties().getVoice();
        System.out.println("Selected Voice:"+voice.getName());
        System.out.println("         Style:"+voice.getStyle());
        System.out.println("         Gender:"+genderToString(voice.getGender()));
        System.out.println("         Age:"+ageToString(voice.getAge()));      
     * Helper method to convert gender constants to strings
     * @param gender as defined by the Voice constants
     * @return gender description
    private String genderToString(int gender) {
        switch (gender) {      
        case Voice.GENDER_FEMALE:
            return "Female";
        case Voice.GENDER_MALE:
            return "Male";
        case Voice.GENDER_NEUTRAL:
            return "Neutral";
        case Voice.GENDER_DONT_CARE:
            return "Unknown";
     * Helper method to convert age constants to strings
     * @param age as defined by the Voice constants
     * @return age description
    private String ageToString(int age) {
        switch (age) {      
        case Voice.AGE_CHILD:
            return "Child";
        case Voice.AGE_MIDDLE_ADULT:
            return "Middle Adult";
        case Voice.AGE_NEUTRAL:
            return "Neutral";
        case Voice.AGE_OLDER_ADULT:
            return "OlderAdult";
        case Voice.AGE_TEENAGER:
            return "Teenager";
        case Voice.AGE_YOUNGER_ADULT:
            return "Younger Adult";            
        case Voice.AGE_DONT_CARE:
            return "Unknown";
     * Print all the properties of the selected synthesizer    
    private void printSelectedSynthesizerModeDesc() {
        EngineModeDesc description = this.synthesizer.getEngineModeDesc();
       System.out.println("Selected Synthesizer:"+description.getEngineName());
       System.out.println("         Mode:"+description.getModeName());
       System.out.println("         Locale:"+description.getLocale());
       System.out.println("         IsRunning:"+description.getRunning());
     * List all the available synthesizers and voices.  
    public void listAllVoices() {
        System.out.println("All available JSAPI Synthesizers and Voices:");
        //Do not set any properties so all the synthesizers will be returned
        SynthesizerModeDesc emptyDesc = new SynthesizerModeDesc();        
        EngineList engineList = Central.availableSynthesizers(emptyDesc);
        //loop over all the synthesizers
        for (int e = 0; e < engineList.size(); e++) {            
            SynthesizerModeDesc desc = (SynthesizerModeDesc) engineList.get(e);
            //loop over all the voices for this synthesizer
            Voice[] voices = desc.getVoices();
            for (int v = 0; v < voices.length; v++) {
                        "  Voice:"+voices[v].getName()+
                        " Gender:"+genderToString(voices[v].getGender()));                            


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Re: Sintesis De Voz
« Respuesta #1 en: Martes 20 de Marzo de 2007, 22:51 »
hombre... pero si te da el error de q no reconoce la libreria, entonces
tu error no debe estar en el codigo, sino q simplemente netbeans no
sabe donde esta la libreria q tu estas invocando.... entonces tu debes
indicarle a netbeans donde estan los archivos .jar (de las librerias) para
q el las cargue y pueda compilar.

como no tengo netbeans instalado no recuerdo la ruta exacta, pero lo
q debes hacer es buscar algo como "añadir librerias a proyecto" en
"propiedades de proyecto".

netbeans debe tener una opcion q te permita agregar las librerias q
vas a usar, y esa opcion normalmente esta en "propiedades de proyecto".

Espero q te sirva...