Esto se tiene que leer en voz alta o no hace gracia ehh...
a.. Boy as n r = Voy a cenar = I'm gonna have dinner
b.. N L C John = en el sillon = on the armchair
c.. Who and seek ago = Juan se cago = John is a chicken things
d.. S toy tree stone = estoy triston = I'm kind a sad
e.. Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags
f.. Desk can saw = descanso = (you) rest
g.. As say toon as = aceitunas = olives
h.. The head the star mall less stan dough = deje de estar molestando = stop bugging me
i.. See eye = si hay = yes we have
j.. T n s free o ? = tienes frio? = are you cold?
k..T N S L P P B N T S O = Tienes el pipi bien tieso = you have an erection
l.. Tell o boy ah in cruise tar = Te lo voy a incrustar = I'm going to insert it in you
2)Web us come toss see no (huevos con tocino)
Web us come shore is so (huevos con chorizo)
Web be toes come free hall lit toes (huevitos con frijolitos)
Does stack kit toes door add it toes the Paul Joe (Dos taquitos dorados de pollo)
Does stack kit toes the car neat as (Dos taquitos de carnitas)
Does guard it ass the she chair room (Dos gorditas de chicharron)
E day floor the call a base a seen she lay (y de flor de calabaza sin chile)
Come chill leap toes hall up pen Joe's (Con chilitos jalapeños)
Come chill lack kill less (Con chilaquiles)
E free hall lit toes... (Y frijolitos...)
Train us on six the shell as (Trainos un six de chelas)
Kiss sea ram most does tea kill as (Quisiéramos dos tequilas)
Try game u nah boot hey ya dutch are end a (Traigame una botella de charanda)
See Gary toe? (Cigarrito?)
past elle it two ion key fax it to (pastelito y un cafecito)
Much as grass see as (Muchas gracias)
**OJO por si no saben mucho inglés, vayan al panel de control de su computador, y escojan la opcion VOZ, y ahi escriban, las frases en ingles , si su windows esta en ingles es donde dice SPEECH