Estaba puesto arriba pero lo volveré a poner actualizado....

Option Explicit
Public Brojo As Integer
Public Bverde As Integer
Public Bazul As Variant
Public FRojo As Integer
Public Fverde As Integer
Public Fazul As Variant
Private Sub cmdColores_Click()
If optColor(0).Value = True Then
lblCuadro.BackColor = CommonDialog1.Color
If optColor(1).Value = True Then
lblCuadro.ForeColor = CommonDialog1.Color
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSalir_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Brojo = 0
Bverde = 0
Bazul = 0
FRojo = 255
Fverde = 255
Fazul = 255
lblCuadro.BackColor = RGB(Brojo, Bverde, Bazul)
lblCuadro.ForeColor = RGB(FRojo, Fverde, Fazul)
End Sub
Private Sub hsbColor_Change(Index As Integer)
If optColor(0).Value = True Then
lblCuadro.BackColor = RGB(hsbColor(0).Value, hsbColor(1).Value, hsbColor(2).Value)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 2
txtColor(Index).Text = hsbColor(Index).Value
Next i
lblCuadro.ForeColor = RGB(hsbColor(0).Value, hsbColor(1).Value, hsbColor(2).Value)
For i = 0 To 2
txtColor(Index).Text = hsbColor(Index).Value
Next i
End If
hsbColor(Index).Value = Val(txtColor(Index).Text)
End Sub
Private Sub optColor_Click(Index As Integer)
If Index = 0 Then
Brojo = hsbColor(0).Value
Bverde = hsbColor(1).Value
Bazul = hsbColor(2).Value
hsbColor(0).Value = FRojo
hsbColor(1).Value = Fverde
hsbColor(2).Value = Fazul
FRojo = hsbColor(0).Value
Fverde = hsbColor(1).Value
Fazul = hsbColor(2).Value
hsbColor(0).Value = Brojo
hsbColor(1).Value = Bverde
hsbColor(2).Value = Bazul
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtColor_Change(Index As Integer)
If Val(txtColor(Index).Text) > 255 Then
hsbColor(Index).Value = 255
End If
txtColor(Index).Text = Val(txtColor(Index).Text)
hsbColor(Index).Value = Val(txtColor(Index).Text)
End Sub