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Autor Tema:  Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat  (Leído 1939 veces)


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Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat
« en: Jueves 5 de Octubre de 2006, 18:14 »
Q&A: Microsoft's head of platform strategy denies that open source is a credible threat to the software giant's empire, and rules out porting MS Office to Linux

Nick McGrath, Microsoft's head of platform strategy, is at the spearhead of the software giant's attempts to head off the open source danger.

Having helped launched both NT4 and XP into the UK, the 15-year Microsoft veteran now concentrates on combating the threat posed by organisations migrating to Linux.

But, with an almost mockingly dismissive opinion of the opportunities brought about by Linux, McGrath is insistent that Microsoft is not losing ground. Instead he claims that Microsoft is winning key corporate and public sector deals on the critical battlegrounds of cost and security.

- Great works aren't produced on the first try. [Ernest Hemingway]
- Be ambitious, yet realistic in your dreams. Do something that makes a positive impact. Don’t let the nay-sayers get you down. [Bjarne Stroustrup]


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Re: Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat
« Respuesta #1 en: Jueves 5 de Octubre de 2006, 18:24 »
A ver si ustedes también responden, saben más inglés que yo. :scream:

I don't see people moving towards Linux — I see people moving away from Unix.
Yo no vi a nadie que deje Unix (y se vaya a Windows). :ph34r:

[But] will there be one operating system that everyone uses? No.
Sería como que existiera solo 1 lenguaje de programación...

There are several key arguments as to whether Microsoft or open source is preferable for any one organisation. The first one is often price. And of course a critical argument is that Linux can be free. It's difficult to beat that.
You might get a free car from your uncle. But you're the one who ends up with the mechanical bills. It can be cheaper to buy a new car and get the guarantees. Then there are the costs of deploying Linux engineers.
Qué excelente respuesta. :o

Windows has tens of thousands of drivers. Then there is ease of use. There are multiple management tools needed to manage the Linux environment. You don't have a single complete management solution.
¿En Windows basta con el WDK? ¿Qué tanto se necesita en Linux? :huh:

What about security? Windows has more vulnerabilities than Linux.
I disagree. Look at the Forrester Days of Risk report [which found that Microsoft takes an average of 25 days to patch a flaw, compared to Red Hat's 57]. We fix the problems faster.
"We fix the problems faster"... sí, tardan el mismo tiempo que yo en despertarme. :whistling:

But Microsoft vulnerabilities are generally more severe though.
Jajaja, que respuesta tan "seca". ¿Se habrá enojado?

When will you be enabling Microsoft Office to run on open source?
We won't. We have no plans.
"We are not crazy, we don't want to lose our money". :whistling:

What is the sense in producing Office for the Mac and not Office for open source?
The Mac product is produced by Apple. If changes are needed then we'll work with Apple. They are just one organisation. We have an agreement which makes good business sense.

Mierdintosh es de pago y allí hay mercado. En Linux no, nadie compra, todos se conforman con OpenOffice.org.

Are you unwilling to produce a Linux version of Office because you would need to work with several Linux distributors?
I don't know in that regard. If people want to run Office then buy Windows. Or a Mac.
O usa Wine. :D

- Great works aren't produced on the first try. [Ernest Hemingway]
- Be ambitious, yet realistic in your dreams. Do something that makes a positive impact. Don’t let the nay-sayers get you down. [Bjarne Stroustrup]


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Re: Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat
« Respuesta #2 en: Jueves 5 de Octubre de 2006, 18:44 »
What is the sense in producing Office for the Mac and not Office for open source?
The Mac product is produced by Apple. If changes are needed then we'll work with Apple. They are just one organisation. We have an agreement which makes good business sense.
Mierdintosh es de pago y allí hay mercado. En Linux no, nadie compra, todos se conforman con OpenOffice.org.

La gente que realmente requiere una suite de oficina nunca usaria open office porque si bien es muy bueno para ser gratis, esta a miles de kilometros de alcansar a office en funcionalidades, estabilidad, eficiencia, integracion, etc.
[size=109]Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Microsoft Technical Evangelist

Eternal Idol

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Re: Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat
« Respuesta #3 en: Jueves 5 de Octubre de 2006, 18:54 »
Que ABURRIDO. Al que no le guste/interese Linux que no use y listo ... como hago yo  :whistling:

Nacional y Popular En mi país la bandera de Eva es inmortal.

Queremos una Argentina socialmente justa, económicamente libre y  políticamente soberana.
¡Perón cumple, Evita dignifica!

La mano invisible del mercado me robo la billetera.

su -

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Re: Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat
« Respuesta #4 en: Jueves 5 de Octubre de 2006, 19:56 »
Cita de: "Eternal Idol"
Que ABURRIDO. Al que no le guste/interese Linux que no use y listo ... como hago yo  :whistling:
Y esa era, la mejor respuesta que pude encontrar desde que comense a leer.
*******PELIGRO LEE ESTO!!*******

There is no place like

Conecto luego existo, no conecto luego insisto.


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Re: Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat
« Respuesta #5 en: Jueves 5 de Octubre de 2006, 21:39 »
no... otra discusión Linux vs Windows no... por favor... :hola:
www.hazjuegos.com Una comunidad dedicada al desarrollo de videojuegos.


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Re: Microsoft On Warding Off The Linux Threat
« Respuesta #6 en: Domingo 29 de Octubre de 2006, 08:42 »
Un día desperte y en lugar de dientes tenía colmillos, en lugar de manos, tenía garras; pero lo más impactante fue el color escarlata de mi pelaje.