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Autor Tema:  Errno  (Leído 1479 veces)

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« en: Lunes 26 de Junio de 2006, 03:00 »
Hola, yo se que no deveria de preguntar esto, pero como funcina este codigo, define es un sub o una constate?
Código: Text
  1. /* The <errno.h> header defines the numbers of the various errors that can
  2.  * occur during program execution.  They are visible to user programs and
  3.  * should be small positive integers.  However, they are also used within
  4.  * MINIX, where they must be negative.  For example, the READ system call is
  5.  * executed internally by calling do_read().  This function returns either a
  6.  * (negative) error number or a (positive) number of bytes actually read.
  7.  *
  8.  * To solve the problem of having the error numbers be negative inside the
  9.  * the system and positive outside, the following mechanism is used.  All the
  10.  * definitions are are the form:
  11.  *
  12.  *  #define EPERM    (_SIGN 1)
  13.  *
  14.  * If the macro _SYSTEM is defined, then  _SIGN is set to "-", otherwise it is
  15.  * set to "".  Thus when compiling the operating system, the  macro _SYSTEM
  16.  * will be defined, setting EPERM to (- 1), whereas when when this
  17.  * file is included in an ordinary user program, EPERM has the value ( 1).
  18.  */
  20. #ifndef _ERRNO_H    /* check if <errno.h> is already included */
  21. #define _ERRNO_H    /* it is not included; note that fact */
  23. /* Now define _SIGN as "" or "-" depending on _SYSTEM. */
  24. #ifdef _SYSTEM
  25. #   define _SIGN         -
  26. #   define OK            0
  27. #else
  28. #   define _SIGN        
  29. #endif
  31. extern int errno;      /* place where the error numbers go */
  33. /* Here are the numerical values of the error numbers. */
  34. #define _NERROR               70  /* number of errors */  
  36. #define EGENERIC      (_SIGN 99)  /* generic error */
  37. #define EPERM         (_SIGN  1)  /* operation not permitted */
  38. #define ENOENT        (_SIGN  2)  /* no such file or directory */
  39. #define ESRCH         (_SIGN  3)  /* no such process */
  40. #define EINTR         (_SIGN  4)  /* interrupted function call */
  41. #define EIO           (_SIGN  5)  /* input/output error */
  42. #define ENXIO         (_SIGN  6)  /* no such device or address */
  43. #define E2BIG         (_SIGN  7)  /* arg list too long */
  44. #define ENOEXEC       (_SIGN  8)  /* exec format error */
  45. #define EBADF         (_SIGN  9)  /* bad file descriptor */
  46. #define ECHILD        (_SIGN 10)  /* no child process */
  47. #define EAGAIN        (_SIGN 11)  /* resource temporarily unavailable */
  48. #define ENOMEM        (_SIGN 12)  /* not enough space */
  49. #define EACCES        (_SIGN 13)  /* permission denied */
  50. #define EFAULT        (_SIGN 14)  /* bad address */
  51. #define ENOTBLK       (_SIGN 15)  /* Extension: not a block special file */
  52. #define EBUSY         (_SIGN 16)  /* resource busy */
  53. #define EEXIST        (_SIGN 17)  /* file exists */
  54. #define EXDEV         (_SIGN 18)  /* improper link */
  55. #define ENODEV        (_SIGN 19)  /* no such device */
  56. #define ENOTDIR       (_SIGN 20)  /* not a directory */
  57. #define EISDIR        (_SIGN 21)  /* is a directory */
  58. #define EINVAL        (_SIGN 22)  /* invalid argument */
  59. #define ENFILE        (_SIGN 23)  /* too many open files in system */
  60. #define EMFILE        (_SIGN 24)  /* too many open files */
  61. #define ENOTTY        (_SIGN 25)  /* inappropriate I/O control operation */
  62. #define ETXTBSY       (_SIGN 26)  /* no longer used */
  63. #define EFBIG         (_SIGN 27)  /* file too large */
  64. #define ENOSPC        (_SIGN 28)  /* no space left on device */
  65. #define ESPIPE        (_SIGN 29)  /* invalid seek */
  66. #define EROFS         (_SIGN 30)  /* read-only file system */
  67. #define EMLINK        (_SIGN 31)  /* too many links */
  68. #define EPIPE         (_SIGN 32)  /* broken pipe */
  69. #define EDOM          (_SIGN 33)  /* domain error      (from ANSI C std) */
  70. #define ERANGE        (_SIGN 34)  /* result too large  (from ANSI C std) */
  71. #define EDEADLK       (_SIGN 35)  /* resource deadlock avoided */
  72. #define ENAMETOOLONG  (_SIGN 36)  /* file name too long */
  73. #define ENOLCK        (_SIGN 37)  /* no locks available */
  74. #define ENOSYS        (_SIGN 38)  /* function not implemented */
  75. #define ENOTEMPTY     (_SIGN 39)  /* directory not empty */
  77. /* The following errors relate to networking. */
  78. #define EPACKSIZE     (_SIGN 50)  /* invalid packet size for some protocol */
  79. #define EOUTOFBUFS    (_SIGN 51)  /* not enough buffers left */
  80. #define EBADIOCTL     (_SIGN 52)  /* illegal ioctl for device */
  81. #define EBADMODE      (_SIGN 53)  /* badmode in ioctl */
  82. #define EWOULDBLOCK   (_SIGN 54)
  83. #define EBADDEST      (_SIGN 55)  /* not a valid destination address */
  84. #define EDSTNOTRCH    (_SIGN 56)  /* destination not reachable */
  85. #define EISCONN        (_SIGN 57)  /* all ready connected */
  86. #define EADDRINUSE    (_SIGN 58)  /* address in use */
  87. #define ECONNREFUSED  (_SIGN 59)  /* connection refused */
  88. #define ECONNRESET    (_SIGN 60)  /* connection reset */
  89. #define ETIMEDOUT     (_SIGN 61)  /* connection timed out */
  90. #define EURG        (_SIGN 62)  /* urgent data present */
  91. #define ENOURG        (_SIGN 63)  /* no urgent data present */
  92. #define ENOTCONN      (_SIGN 64)  /* no connection (yet or anymore) */
  93. #define ESHUTDOWN     (_SIGN 65)  /* a write call to a shutdown connection */
  94. #define ENOCONN       (_SIGN 66)  /* no such connection */
  95. #define EAFNOSUPPORT  (_SIGN 67)  /* address family not supported */
  96. #define EPROTONOSUPPORT (_SIGN 68) /* protocol not supported by AF */
  97. #define EPROTOTYPE    (_SIGN 69)  /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
  98. #define EINPROGRESS   (_SIGN 70)  /* Operation now in progress */
  99. #define EADDRNOTAVAIL (_SIGN 71)  /* Can't assign requested address */
  100. #define EALREADY      (_SIGN 72)  /* Connection already in progress */
  101. #define EMSGSIZE      (_SIGN 73)  /* Message too long */
  102. #define ELOOP         (_SIGN 74)  /* Too many levels of symbolic links */
  104. /* The following are not POSIX errors, but they can still happen.
  105.  * All of these are generated by the kernel and relate to message passing.
  106.  */
  107. #define ELOCKED      (_SIGN 101)  /* can't send message due to deadlock */
  108. #define EBADCALL     (_SIGN 102)  /* illegal system call number */
  109. #define EBADSRCDST   (_SIGN 103)  /* bad source or destination process */
  110. #define ECALLDENIED  (_SIGN 104)  /* no permission for system call */
  111. #define EDEADSRCDST  (_SIGN 105)  /* source or destination is not alive */
  112. #define ENOTREADY    (_SIGN 106)  /* source or destination is not ready */
  113. #define EBADREQUEST  (_SIGN 107)  /* destination cannot handle request */
  114. #define ESRCDIED     (_SIGN 108)  /* source just died */
  115. #define EDSTDIED     (_SIGN 109)  /* destination just died */
  116. #define ETRAPDENIED  (_SIGN 110)  /* IPC trap not allowed */
  117. #define EDONTREPLY   (_SIGN 201)  /* pseudo-code: don't send a reply */
  119. #endif /* _ERRNO_H */
Que seria el _DIGN?
Cualquier ayuda es util, solo digan.
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Re: Errno
« Respuesta #1 en: Lunes 26 de Junio de 2006, 15:05 »
a mi me parece que es una macro.

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Re: Errno
« Respuesta #2 en: Lunes 26 de Junio de 2006, 17:32 »
Bueno, pero como se usa?
*******PELIGRO LEE ESTO!!*******

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Re: Errno
« Respuesta #3 en: Lunes 26 de Junio de 2006, 19:18 »
lo que te interesa saber es como se usa el manejo de errores en C?, porque no es clara tu pregunta.

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Re: Errno
« Respuesta #4 en: Lunes 26 de Junio de 2006, 20:14 »
Despues de rebuscar, encontre lo que necesitava en el man de unix, gracias de todos modos.
*******PELIGRO LEE ESTO!!*******

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