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Autor Tema:  Servidor Linux  (Leído 1943 veces)


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Servidor Linux
« en: Jueves 15 de Diciembre de 2005, 19:47 »
Hola mundo!
tengo una duda... como puedo crear un servidor de linux.. a ver me explico..
necesito poner un firewall pero no c si linux tiene alguno gratuito.. la verdad no he manejado nunk linux asi que en ese sentido estoy pato.. :(

pero alguien que me pueda poner algun link?

Redhat?? que es sirve como servidor o firewall? necesito intalar en una terminal que ando manoseando ahorita  :lol:  pero no doy.. stoy instalando en este momento el COREL LINUX OS pero ni idea si lo puedo usar como servidor de internet o como un firewall .... probando c aprende dicen   :unsure:

HAO jejeje  :smartass:


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Re: Servidor Linux
« Respuesta #1 en: Jueves 15 de Diciembre de 2005, 21:48 »
En todo Unix, y otros OS (como OS X) tienen unos scripts en shell, que arrancan siertos programas antes de logera.
En Gnu/Linux, normalmente se encuentran en /etc/rc.d
*******PELIGRO LEE ESTO!!*******

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Re: Servidor Linux
« Respuesta #2 en: Viernes 16 de Diciembre de 2005, 18:52 »
a VER... muchas gracias su por el link pero la verdad que no le entendi muy bien... tengo que tener instalado algun programa para que me jalen las extensiones de los ejecutables :think: por que ni idea de parte de lo que dice

Download the latest rc.firewall [wget http://projectfiles.com/firewall/2.0rc10/rc.firewall]
Edit the options at the beginning of the file with your favorite text editor. The script comes pre-configured to deny all incoming connections. This is suitable for a typical workstation installation. Refer to the configuration page for in depth explanation of available options.
Make the script executable [chmod +x ./rc.firewall]
Become root [su]
Run the script [./rc.firewall]
After you have verified that your firewall is configured properly, you probably want it to be configured automatically on boot. To accomplish this, move the script to the appropriate startup script directory for your distribution [/etc/rc.d/ for Slackware, /etc/init.d/ for Gentoo] and add the following lines in your startup scripts at some point after your ethernet interfaces are configured [for example /etc/rc.d/rc.local for Slackware, and /etc/conf.d/local.start for Gentoo].

if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall ]; then

if [ -x /etc/init.d/rc.firewall ]; then

If you are using this firewall on a machine to which you do not have physical access, but can reboot remotely (for example a collocated server or a Linux router at a computer illiterate friend's house), you might want to think about putting in a short delay between the time the machine boots and the initialization of the firewall. This would give you a chance to log in and disable the firewall [chmod -x] if something goes wrong. A good example might be if you have the script configured to allow you to connect from a specific remote IP address and your address changes. If you choose to implement this idea, it can be done with the following code in rc.local:
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall ]; then
  sleep 30 && /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall | logger -t rc.firewall &
  echo "Firewall init in 30 seconds.  Check syslog for results."

System Requirements

You need the iptables userspace tools installed. Every distribution should have a package that includes these tools.
You need proc filesystem support. Everyone should already have this unless you are doing something strange.
In addition to basic networking options such as TCP/IP support and drivers for your network cards, your kernel must have support for the options listed below. Most distributions already have support for all required options. The script will report a problem if something is missing.
Base configuration
Networking options -> Network packet filtering
CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK   (Required, even if you aren't doing NAT, since the script performs stateful inspection.)
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> Connection tracking (required for masq/NAT)
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> IP tables support (required for filtering/masq/NAT)
CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_STATE   (This script is virtually entirely based upon the state matching module of netfilter.)
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> Connection state match support
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> Packet Filtering
CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT   ('graceful' reject target)
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> REJECT target support
Required only if you are doing NAT or port forwarding:
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> Full NAT
CONFIG_IP_NF_FTP   (Since FTP uses two ports, one for control and one for data, connection tracking requires special helpers provided by this kernel option.)
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> FTP protocol support
CONFIG_IP_NF_IRC   (Allows IRC clients to initiate DCC chats and file transfers through a linux firewall.)
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> IRC protocol support
Required only if you have dynamic (dial-up) interfaces:
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> MASQUERADE target support
Required only if you enable logging:
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> LOG target support
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> limit match support
Required only if you are doing port forwarding:
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> netfilter MARK match support
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> Packet mangling
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> MARK target support
Required only if you are using TTL stealth router mode: (NOTE: This usually requires a custom patched kernel)
CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TTL (Not to be confused with CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TTL aka "TTL match support"!!!)
Networking options -> IP: Netfilter Configuration -> TTL target support
algun linux base para jalar esto??

diferencia de suse y corel??

agradezco tus respuestas

PD: Gnu es un SO?


su -

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Re: Servidor Linux
« Respuesta #3 en: Viernes 16 de Diciembre de 2005, 20:44 »
No, no  :P  mira, en todo OS hay unos modulos de arranque que son ejecutan antes de que cualquier usuario logee por jemplo:
el demonio de ssh:
Arranca el kernel, el kernel ejecuta unos modulos, estos modulos ejecutan al demonio de ssh.
Si estas en Slackware, por ejemplo, solo tienes que incluir el path de los programas que quieres que arranquen en /etc/rc./rc.local, es decir solo agregas el path del ejecutable a este script de arranque.
Bueno te respondo esto:
algun linux base para jalar esto??

diferencia de suse y corel??

agradezco tus respuestas

PD: Gnu es un SO?
#1 no, cualquiera te sirve, solo busca el escripts de arranque y agrega el path del rc.firewall, a si, el rc.firewall tiene que tener permiso para ejecutar.
#2 No, muchas, Corel es devian, Suse es RedHat (Basados en).
#3 Gnu es una seriede programas open source, eso es un OS, el conjunto de programas se le llama OS, Linux es solo el kernel (un kernel monolitico).
mas info de esto en http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-history.es.html o en http://es.wikipedia.org
*******PELIGRO LEE ESTO!!*******

There is no place like

Conecto luego existo, no conecto luego insisto.


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Re: Servidor Linux
« Respuesta #4 en: Viernes 16 de Diciembre de 2005, 21:47 »
Muchas gracias amigo -su

Investigare mas a fondo el tema y agradezco mucho tu informacion ... me ha servido bastante... :gracias:

HAO :smartass:
