Fred was a happy programmer. Like with so many projects before, Fred neede to verify some data, but this time the data was pretty simple--just numbers and colons. The (small) catch was that the colons must come in pairs, whit no singletons allowed.
Sounds like a regular-expression match is just the hammer for this nail, and that's exacly what Fred used.
Jeffrey Friedl - The story of Fred.
Ahora, Fred = Full Regular Expression Description.
Mira, regex es una expresion usada para encontrar o cambiar equivalencias en un string.
Por ejemplo:
$string = "cybergatita no quiere ser como Fred";
$string =~ s/no quiere ser como Fred/usa regex/g;
if($string =~ m/\w+usa\w+/){
print "Los usa\n";
Bueno, esta en Perl, si no entiendes en wikipedia lo encuentras, esque hay dos tipos de regex y son diferentes en cada lenguaje. recomiendo "Regular Expression Search Algorithm" de Ken Thompson. Communications of the ACM, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 419-422, 1968.
aunque no creo que lo encuentres, bueno el tipo creo grep, asi que imaginate.