para facilitarle la vida, aqui les coloco todo lo necesario para hacer funcionar esta pantalla,estas rutinas fueron ya probadas por mi u otros y funcionan a la perfeccion y aqui se las traigo algo ams ordenano.
primero tienen que decarar la variable afisaj o cambiarle el nombre , como deseen, y declarar los bit como aparecen ah i pero pueden cambia rlas asignaciones de bit y pto. luego llaman primero la rutina INILCD que es la que configura la lcd y luego ya puede mandar datos a ella poniendo el dato en acumulador o afisaj y llamando la rutina LCCMD.

LPH7779, LPH7677 Pins (front view)
pin1 V+
pin2 Sclk
pin3 Sda
pin4 DorC
pin5 Cs
pin6 Gnd
pin7 Vout(DC/DC voltage converter)
pin8 Reset
;--------------DELCALRACIONES DE BIT----------------
#DEFINE sclk PORTB,0 ; Rb6 is serial clock line
#DEFINE sdta PORTB,1 ; Rb7 is input serial data line
#DEFINE dorc PORTB,2 ; Ra0 is select register (H = Data, L =Command)
#DEFINE rset PORTB,3 ; Ra1 is reset (L = Enable)
#DEFINE tens PORTB,4 ; Ra2 is Vcmd LCD power supply on / off
#DEFINE enab PORTB,5 ; Ra3 is Chip select (L = Enable)
;--------------INICIACION DE LCD----------------
INILCD Call pause
bsf dorc
bsf enab
bsf tens
call lcres
movlw 21H
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
movlw .197
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
movlw 13H
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
movlw 20H
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
movlw 09H
movwf afisaj
call cbild
call lccmd
call pause
call pause
call pause
call pause
movlw 08H
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
call pause
call pause
movlw 0CH
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
movlw 40H
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
movlw 80H
movwf afisaj
call lccmd
lcdta bsf dorc ; bytes are stored in the display data ram, address
; incremented automatically
bcf enab ; chip enabled
call varsa
bsf enab ; chip disabled
retlw 00
lccmd bcf dorc ; byte is a command it is read with the eight SCLK
bcf enab ; chip enabled
call varsa
bsf enab ; chip disabled
retlw 00
lcres bcf rset ; reset enabled
call pause
bsf rset ; reset disabled
retlw 00
varsa bcf sclk
btfsc afisaj,7 ;bit0(MSB) if bit 7 of afisaj = 1 then sdta=1
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,7 ; if bit 7 of afisaj = 0 then sdta=0
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
nop ; can be replaced with a nop if a higher speed it is
bsf sclk ; positive edge
nop ; can be replaced with a nop if a higher speed it is
bcf sclk ; negative edge
btfsc afisaj,6 ;bit1 if bit 6 of afisaj = 1 then sdta=1
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,6; if bit 6 of afisaj = 0 then sdta=0
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
bsf sclk ; positive edge
bcf sclk ; negative edge
btfsc afisaj,5 ;bit2
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,5
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
bsf sclk ; positive edge
bcf sclk ; negative edge
btfsc afisaj,4 ;bit3
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,4
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
bsf sclk ; positive edge
bcf sclk ; negative edge
btfsc afisaj,3 ;bit4
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,3
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
bsf sclk ; positive edge
bcf sclk ; negative edge
btfsc afisaj,2 ;bit5
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,2
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
bsf sclk ; positive edge
bcf sclk ; negative edge
btfsc afisaj,1 ;bit6
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,1
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
bsf sclk ; positive edge
bcf sclk ; negative edge
btfsc afisaj,0 ;bit7(LSB)
bsf sdta ; serial data line is high
btfss afisaj,0
bcf sdta ; serial data line is low
bsf sclk ; positive edge
bcf sclk ; negative edge
retlw 00
cbild bcf sdta ; serial data line is low a null value it is send to
movlw .6 ; set the maximal value for Y axe
movwf COUNT3
c3 movlw .84 ; set the maximal value for X axe
movwf COUNT1
c1 movlw .8 ; for a serial transmission of one byte , a number of 8 clock
movwf COUNT2
bsf dorc ; null value bytes are stored in the display
; incremented automatically
bcf enab ; chip enabled
c2 bcf sclk ; negative edge ;at this stage sdta=0 and
nop ; no operation
nop ; no operation
bsf sclk ; positive edge
decfsz COUNT2
goto c2
bsf enab ; chip disabled
decfsz COUNT1
goto c1
decfsz COUNT3
goto c3
retlw 00
pause movlw .7
movwf COUNT3
d3 movlw .50
movwf COUNT1
d1 movlw .250
movwf COUNT2
d2 decfsz COUNT2
goto d2
decfsz COUNT1
goto d1
decfsz COUNT3
goto d3
retlw 00
halta movlw 20H
movwf COUNT1
g1 movlw 40H
movwf COUNT2
g2 decfsz COUNT2
goto g2
decfsz COUNT1
goto g1
retlw 00