Programación General => C/C++ => Mensaje iniciado por: galco en Jueves 30 de Diciembre de 2004, 01:14
Al compilar el codigo de aquí abajo con 'g++ senyaloriginal.cpp' me da error al linkar. Alguien me puede decir porque? Es un codigo copiado que a priori tendría que fucionar. Lo que pasa es que he cojido los trozitos de un documento y quizas el orden de las clases no este bien. Todo este codigo lo tengo metido en un único fichero.
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class Event_Handler
// Hook method for the signal hook method.
virtual int handle_signal (int signum) = 0;
// ... other hook methods for other types of
// events such as timers, I/O, and
// synchronization objects.
class Signal_Handler
// Entry point.
static Signal_Handler *instance (void);
// Register an event handler <eh> for <signum>
// and return a pointer to any existing <Event_Handler>
// that was previously registered to handle <signum>.
Event_Handler *register_handler (int signum,Event_Handler *eh);
// Remove the <Event_Handler> for <signum>
// by setting the slot in the <signal_handlers_>
// table to NULL.
int remove_handler (int signum);
// Ensure we're a Singleton.
Signal_Handler (void);
// Singleton pointer.
static Signal_Handler *instance_;
// Entry point adapter installed into <sigaction>
// (must be a static method or a stand-alone
// extern "C" function).
static void dispatcher (int signum);
// Table of pointers to concrete <Event_Handler>s
// registered by applications. NSIG is the number of
// signals defined in </usr/include/sys/signal.h>.
static Event_Handler *signal_handlers_[NSIG];
Event_Handler * Signal_Handler::register_handler (int signum, Event_Handler *eh){
// Copy the <old_eh> from the <signum> slot in
// the <signal_handlers_> table.
Event_Handler *old_eh = Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_[signum];
// Store <eh> into the <signum> slot in the
// <signal_handlers_> table.
Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_[signum] = eh;
// Register the <dispatcher> to handle this
// <signum>.
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = Signal_Handler::dispatcher;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction (signum, &sa, 0);
return old_eh;
void Signal_Handler::dispatcher (int signum){
// Perform a sanity check...
if (Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_[signum] != 0)
// Dispatch the handler's hook method.
[signum]->handle_signal (signum);
class SIGINT_Handler : public Event_Handler{
SIGINT_Handler (void)
: graceful_quit_ (0) {}
// Hook method.
virtual int handle_signal (int signum){
assert (signum == SIGINT);
this->graceful_quit_ = 1;
// Accessor.
sig_atomic_t graceful_quit (void)
{ return this->graceful_quit_; }
sig_atomic_t graceful_quit_;
class SIGQUIT_Handler : public Event_Handler{
SIGQUIT_Handler (void)
: abortive_quit_ (0) {}
// Hook method.
virtual int handle_signal (int signum){
assert (signum == SIGQUIT);
this->abortive_quit_ = 1;
// Accessor.
sig_atomic_t abortive_quit (void)
{ return this->abortive_quit_; }
sig_atomic_t abortive_quit_;
int main (void){
SIGINT_Handler sigint_handler;
SIGQUIT_Handler sigquit_handler;
// Register the handler for SIGINT.
Signal_Handler::instance ()->register_handler (SIGINT, &sigint_handler);
// Register the handler for SIGQUIT.
Signal_Handler::instance ()->register_handler (SIGQUIT, &sigquit_handler);
// Run the main event loop.
while (sigint_handler.graceful_quit () == 0 && sigquit_handler.abortive_quit () == 0)
if (sigquit_handler.abortive_quit () == 1)
_exit (1);
else /* if sigint_handler.graceful_quit () */ {
return 1;
Hola, estaria bueno que pongas el tipo de error que te tira en el linkeo, asi lo analizo mejor.
Saludos Mgitano2001
Éste es el error que me da al linkar. Gracias
galco@linux:~/xarxes> g++ senyaloriginal.cpp
/tmp/cceB25oJ.o(.text+0xf): En la función `Signal_Handler::register_handler(int, Event_Handler*)':
: undefined reference to `Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_'
/tmp/cceB25oJ.o(.text+0x1f): En la función `Signal_Handler::register_handler(int, Event_Handler*)':
: undefined reference to `Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_'
/tmp/cceB25oJ.o(.text+0x72): En la función `Signal_Handler::dispatcher(int)':
: undefined reference to `Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_'
/tmp/cceB25oJ.o(.text+0x82): En la función `Signal_Handler::dispatcher(int)':
: undefined reference to `Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_'
/tmp/cceB25oJ.o(.text+0x91): En la función `Signal_Handler::dispatcher(int)':
: undefined reference to `Signal_Handler::signal_handlers_'
/tmp/cceB25oJ.o(.text+0xd9): En la función `main':
: undefined reference to `Signal_Handler::instance()'
/tmp/cceB25oJ.o(.text+0xf6): En la función `main':
: undefined reference to `Signal_Handler::instance()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Me faltaba definir la variable static fuera de la clase y implementar una función de la cuals sólo había la definición.