'En la parte de declaracione generales
Dim cnnMiCon As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmdCriterio As ADODB.Command
Dim rstTabla As ADODB.Recordset
'En el botón de búsqueda
Private Sub Buscar()
Dim inicial As Date
Dim final As Date
If txtFechaInicial.Text <> "" And txtFechaFinal.Text <> "" Then
Set rstTabla = Nothing
Set cmdCriterio = Nothing
Set cnnMiCon = Nothing
inicial = txtFechaInicial.Text
final = txtFechaFinal.Text
Set cnnMiCon = New ADODB.Connection
Set cmdCriterio = New ADODB.Command
Set rstTabla = New ADODB.Recordset
cnnMiCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=C:\WINDOWS\Escritorio\ProyectoFechas\fechas97_1.mdb"
cmdCriterio.CommandText = "SELECT cedula,nombre,fechaNac FROM tabla1 WHERE fechaNac>'" & inicial & "'" And fechaNac < "'" & final & "'"
rstTabla.Open cmdCriterio.CommandText, cnnMiCon, adOpenDynamic
txtCedula = rstTabla.Fields("cedula").Value
txtNombre = rstTabla.Fields("nombre").Value
txtFecha = rstTabla.Fields("fechaNac").Value
End If
End Sub