
Programación General => Power Builder => Mensaje iniciado por: hunter en Viernes 20 de Agosto de 2004, 20:01

Título: Deseo Saber Hwnd
Publicado por: hunter en Viernes 20 de Agosto de 2004, 20:01
Quen sabe cual es el codigo para saber el Hwnd de una ventana en Pb
porfavor si puede k me lo diga de antemano muchas gracias
Título: Re: Deseo Saber Hwnd
Publicado por: ccasti en Miércoles 25 de Agosto de 2004, 22:49
Para conocer el Hwnd de una ventana  powerbuilder en la ayuda te da las siguientes opciones:

This statement returns the handle to the window w_child:


These statements use an external function in Windows called FlashWindow to change the title bar of a window to inactive and then return it to active. The external function declaration is:

function boolean flashwindow(uint hnd, boolean inst) &

library "user.exe"

The code that flashes the window's title bar is:

integer nLoop   // Loop counter

long hWnd   // Handle to control

// Get the handle to a PowerBuilder window.

hWnd = Handle(Parent)

// Make the title bar flash 300 times.

FOR nLoop = 1 to 300
      FlashWindow (hWnd, TRUE)


// Return the window to its original state.

FlashWindow (hWnd, FALSE)

For applications on Windows, the Handle function does not return a useful value when the previous flag is TRUE. You can use the FindWindowA Windows function to determine whether a Windows application is already running.
Declare FindWindowA as a global external function:

FUNCTION uint FindWindowA (long classname,  &

string windowname) LIBRARY "user32.dll"

Then add code like the following to your application's open event:

uint  val

val = FindWindowA(0, "MyApp Main Window")

IF val > 0 THEN
      MessageBox("Application already running", &
      "MyApp is already running. You cannot &
         start it again")
